Miscarriage is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through in my life. I was 14 weeks and 1 day pregnant with my first child, when I miscarried. Some miscarriages occur before women recognize that they are pregnant. Only about 15% of fertilized eggs even has a chance to implant ( embed itself ) in the wall of the uterus. A woman would not generally identify this type of miscarriage. Another 15% of conceptions are lost before eight weeks' gestation.
Once fetal heart function is detected in a given pregnancy, the chance of miscarriage is less than 5%. A woman who may be showing the signs of a possible miscarriage ( such as vaginal bleeding ) may hear the term "threatened abortion" used to describe her situation. Miscarriage occurs in about 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies, and usually occurs before the 13th week of pregnancy. The actual percentage of miscarriages is estimated to be as high as 50% of all pregnancies, since many miscarriages occur without the woman ever having known she was pregnant. Of those miscarriages that occur before the eighth week, 30% have no fetus associated with the sac or placenta. This condition is called blighted ovum, and many woman are surprised to learn that there was never an embryo inside the sac.
Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus are the most common cause of early miscarriages. Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy loss, and some studies have even shown that the risk of miscarriage increases with paternal smoking. Other factors, such as alcohol use, fever, use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs around the time of embryo implantation, and caffeine use have all been suggested to increase the risk of miscarriage, although more studies are needed to fully clarify any potential risks associated with these factors. Of course, alcohol is a known teratogen ( a chemical that can damage the developing fetus ), so pregnant woman are advised to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Cramping and vaginal bleeding are the most common symptoms noticed with spontaneous abortion. The cramping and bleeding may be very mild, moderate, or severe. There is no particular pattern as to how long the symptoms will last. Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy is often referred to as a "threatened abortion." The term "threatened" abortion is used since miscarriage does not always follow vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, even after repeated episodes or large amounts of bleeding. Studies have shown that 90-96% of pregnancies with fetal cardiac activity that results in vaginal bleeding at 7 to 11 weeks of gestation will result in an ongoing pregnancy.
Baby Trivia
Babies are born without kneecaps, They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
In the United States in 2001, the average cost of an uncomplicated or normal delivery was 6,400.
The average baby goes through 7,500 diapers each year.
A forty-day fetus is approximately the size of a pinto bean.
Did you know every three seconds a baby is born?
Diaper rash occurs more often after 8 months of age.
The youngest person ever to give birth is Lina Medina, Peruvian girl from the Andean Village of Ticrapo. She gave birth to a boy by cesarean section on May 14, 1939 at the age of 5 years, 7 months, and 21 days.
The worlds youngest parents were 8 and 9 years old and lived in China in 1910.
There are approximately 15-19 sets of quints born per year in the US.
In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed the orders that made Mother's Day a national holiday.
Three to four percent, of babies are actually arrive on their due date.
The average time for a man to change a diaper is 1 minute, 36 seconds.
A baby starts to smile socially at 4-8 weeks old.
Did you know the greatest amount of children born to one Woman is 69? In the 1700's a Woman from Russia had 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets.
The average cost of raising a child the first year of life is $7,000 not including medical costs.
The first sense a baby develops is hearing.
Did you know the heaviest baby ever born weight 23 pounds, 12 ounces?
Did you know a baby is born with 300 bones? A baby is born with 300 bones, but an adult has 206 bones. These bones fuse together later.
Did you know that the eye color of an infant is set at 6-9 months?
Did you know that Ann Turner was the Original Gerber baby?
A diaper in South Africa is called a disposable.
When born, the size of a babies head in relation to the rest of his/her body is one quarter the size of his/her body.
A baby's head accounts for 20 percent of his/her weight.
Did you know the uterus during pregnancy gets to 500 times it's normal size?
Pregnancy Care!
If you got a positive pregnancy test CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Prenatal Care Is Very Important for a healthy pregnancy, most health care providers won't see you until around 12 weeks.The reason for this is because the baby needs to develop, before an ultrasound can be performed. An ultrasound will be set up for you on your first prenatal visit, but only if your around 12 weeks, unless their is a medical problem. No need to panic, if you think 12 weeks for your first prenatal visit is to long to wait, rest assured that,It is most health care providers policies. A really good reason to wait 12 weeks before an ultrasound is that, you can be misdiagnosed, meaning they may not see a fetal pole. If they don't, a lot of doctors will say you miscarried and they will want to do a dnc. Please if you go before 12 weeks and if this happens to you,(It happened to me) get a second opinion. Many, many times Women are told they are having a miscarriage, or will miscarry in a matter of days. A lot of times a fetus is not always visible on an ultrasound before 12 weeks. The baby can be hiding, also if you have a tipped uterus it can be very difficult to see the fetus, because it is still so small. Another reason could be that you were carrying twins and one twin passed away, and the healthy twin is behind the deceased fetus. Having an ultrasound before 12 weeks can bring unnecessary worry.Here are some things that You Can Do, Before Your First Prenatal Doctor's Visit.
Eat A Balanced Diet
Avoid People Who Are Sick
Do Not Smoke
Do Not Use Alcohol Or Drugs
Decrease Your Caffeine Intake To 2 Cups Of Coffee, or soda
Do Not Clean A Cat Litter Box To Avoid The Risk Of Toxoplasmosis
Try to get 30 minutes of exercise in daily. Walking And Swimming are excellent
Choices. If You Didn't Exercise Before Start Out Slow.
Don't Overdue It, Or get Overheated.
Make Sure You Drink Plenty Of Water To Keep Hydrated.
Take A Vitamin Supplement That Contains Folic Acid, Or Prenatal Vitamins.
You Can Purchase Prenatal Vitamins At Target, Or Your Local Drug Store.